Thursday, April 2, 2009

Albertson sale & Smiths case lot

I haven't hit too many sales lately because I spent WAY too much last month. I'm going to try and control myself better this month, but I'm not off to a very good start =)

I started with Smith's case lot sale yesterday and got cases of:

Flour (8 5lb bags $1.60 each)
Peanut Butter (15 jars .87 each)
Mandarin Oranges (24 11oz cans .33 each)&
Tomato Soup (24 cans .40 each)

Re-stocked my supply of Pillsbury breads ,

and got milk and some other odds and ends.

Retail it was $144.74
I spent $74.63
A savings of $70.11

Today I went to Albertsons.

I got:

6 boxes of cereal ( Cheap cereal that came with a $5 catalina)
4 packs of gum (free)
2 bags of cough drops (free)
3 cases of water ($3/6)
6 bags of Starburst Jellybeans (My FAVORITE candy for $1.17)
1 box of 6 microwave popcorns ($1.49)
20 cans of chicken broth (.49 each)
1 doz eggs (free)
sour cream (just a need)
juice (just a need)
and a reusable grocery bag (I've been trying to buy one every trip)

Retail $116.13
I spent $42.03
& saved $74.10

It was a great chance to build up some food storage for cheap. How's everyone else doing? Does anyone have questions or want me to go over something about couponing? I'm also happy to get together with anyone who wants a one-on-one lesson. Just let me know.

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