Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Food storage baby steps

If you haven't already checked out the Fun With Food Storage network I highly suggest it. While you are there go to Jodi & Julie's Food Storage Made Easy and sign up for their baby steps check list e-mails. This is a great way to get started on your food storage. I have been receiving their check lists since the beginning of the year, but I have been slacking and haven't done much with them. Today I decided to get serious. With getting started Jodi & Julie focus on having a basic emergency plan in place for your family complete with emergency contact info, meeting locations, 72-Hour Kit, Emergency Binder, a list of important things to grab and a car kit. This is what I'm starting on today. Thanks to my Job I already have 72 hour and car kits. I recently cleaned out the closet by my front door so I could put all of this in one location that would be easy to access on the way out the door. Today I started on my Emergency Binder and next I'm going to get a storage tub to put everything in. Where is everyone else in their food storage journey?

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