Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Food storage

I mentioned that I might do a little bit about food storage on here. I personally am just starting my food storage. How about you? I felt really over whelmed by the whole idea of food storage for a long time.

Then I found the Fun With Food Storage network and got really excited about it. Not long after I found this web site my ward started a food storage support group. Now I have lots of information and two methods to choose from.

My ward's group is a very basic method where we are given a monthly shopping list and at the end of one year you will have a year supply for two adults. We meet once a month. During our meetings we talk about food storage (where every one's at, what their doing, what they want to do, etc.) and usually have a treat made from food storage. Last month we talked about canning your own meat and this month there is talk of dry milk taste tests =) For more information about this group visit www.foodstoragesupport.blogspot.com.

The Fun With Food Storage network is a little more in depth and detailed method. They are 4 ladies with three blogs that have come together to share their wisdom. Jodi & Julie's blog Food Storage Made Ease have come up with baby steps to get your food storage going. They have lots of great tips & tools. Shauntell's blog The Obsessive Shopper focuses on buying your food storage and of course couponing. She also has a lot of great tools & tips in her system. Everyday Food Storage with Crystal helps get over the myths and misconceptions most people have about eating food storage. She has lots of yummy recipes made from food storage as well as tips on organizing your kitchen & pantry.

If you have wanted to start your food storage, but haven't know where to start, these resources are amazing so take advantage of them.

I'll keep you up to date on my progress, but I also want to hear about yours. Good luck and let me know!

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